
Xcode is clogging up my internet connection

Usually I notice pretty quickly when my internet connection clogs up with downloads I have not started myself. With the help of tcpdump and lsof it's pretty easy to find the receiving application -- Xcode in this case. So wtf is going on?

Today I learned two things. First, Xcode can automatically download updated documentation. Under Xcode -> Preferences -> Documentation you will find the Documentation Sets tab. This has a "Check for and install updates automatically" checkbox.

Second, Xcode has a little helper under Xcode -> Window -> Activity. This shows you what it's currently doing:

Xcode Activity Window.png

- MacFiets


Dell Inspiron 1018 - Unfortunately not my second Hackintosh

I am in the market for a real simple netbook whose main -- almost only purpose -- is to run Skype. In other words I am looking for a video telephone. Ideally an OS X powered one. The MacBook Air is beautiful, but it costs an arm and a leg.

One of the most OS X compatible netbooks made so far seems to be Dell Mini 10v. The Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart on myMacNetbook.com states that all hardware features such as sound, sleep, audio, wireless, ..., work. The only problem is that you cannot buy a new Mini 10v anymore.

The current low-end netbook on the dell.nl is the Inspiron 1018. Yes, cheap it is.

Dell Inspiron 1018 - Dell Shop - Small.jpg

Despite having not seen any success stories, I ordered one. Well, I didn't get very far and ended up installing Linux. If anyone had more success, I would love to hear from you.

- MacFiets